Website Offline, No Cached Version Available
The website you are trying to access is currently offline. The most likely causes are the server is down for maintenance, there may be a network problem, or the site may be experiencing excessive load.
The site uses CloudFlare in order to help keep it online when the server is down by serving cached copies of pages where they are available. Unfortunately, a cached copy of the page you requested is not available, but you may be able to reach other cached pages on the site.
If you continue to receive this error after you believe the site is back online, you can retry a live version of the site.
由於大部份的CDN加速網頁網站,都是利用了Cache 緩存來減輕頁面加載的負擔,如果有些頁面無法利用此項目,或網站的程序問題不適合此功能,就會有所提示你的用戶,但是這個不會影響所有的遊客瀏覽你的網站。
1﹑進入CloudFlare的主頁在右側的設置下拉菜單選擇"CloudFlare Settings" 進入設置介面 (請看圖片)
2﹑找"Always Online" 暫時關閉此項功能 (請看圖片)
Always Online 假如網站搬遷或維修,又或是當你的網站斷線(脫機)時,代理主機依然會提供網頁資料。